Monitor adjustment
Please set your controls for BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST so you can see as much of the 18 fields as possible. Some TFT can not display the differerence between 1/2
Operation of websites with interactive images Operation of the photografic gallerie
To access this website completely you need :
1 . JAVASCRIPT activated in your browser for the controls of the website 2 .POP-UP enabled, images are presented in a pop-up 3. JAVA installed for banners and JAVA- viewers ( Immervision and PTViewer) 4. Quicktime installed for Quicktime presentation 5. DEVALVR installed for DevalVR usage 6. SHOCKWAVE installed for Shockwave usage 7. Adobe Flash installed for Flash usage (mostly virtual tours) 8. Acrobat Reader installed for the brochure 9. Monitor resolution set to 1240 x 1024 for optimal view 10. A Sidebar uses valuable space we need for the image - it´s better to switch it off.
We checked the website with IE, Firefox and Netscape - if any problem occures: please contact us, we will help as soon as possible. You need at least ONE PLUGIN INSTALLED ( JAVA, QUICKTIME, DEVALVR or Shockwave). Without a viewer the image will not be visable. You don´t have to install all viewers, just the one you want to use.
Our virtual tours use Flash or Java.
Basic operation : - go into the image with the mouse pointer - press and hold down the LEFT mouse-button: now the movement of the mouse refers to the head movement (Head up = mouse foreward, head left = mouse to the left etc.) - + or Shift- key: Zoom In - - or Ctrl - key: Zoom Out - Immervision,DevalVR and Flash: the scroll-wheel is used to zoom, or press and hold “right mouse-button” and move the mouse towards you and away from you
The viewers are slightly different in operation. Immervision and DevalVR have an integrated “Help System” on their lower left corner. There is a controller in Flash- tours too- when the mouse is positioned over a button, a shot help will be shown.